Thursday 1 November 2012

My Barcelona Pavilion Trailer

higher quality of this video can be found in my folders uploaded in mediafire.

Strategy Statement

Barcelona Pavilion


Roof - Blue Tile with some moss on the corners.

Floor - Marble Tiles with moss growing in the cracks.

Walls - Dirty glass,  Marble with alot of moss growing in the cracks and  also covering the surface and broken plaster walls exposing bricks with moss.


The plan for the Barcelona Pavilion is to make it look as real as possible through bump maps, spec maps and decay effects.  The materials i used are Marble with moss, wooden blocks, glass, tile, plasterboard and plasterboard peeling with bricks exposed. The bricks, tile, marble and plasterboard would have the most moss on them as they show more cracking, followed by the wood with a little less moss,  and the material with the least moss would be the glass.


The cracks in each material will vary. The cracks on the plasterboard would be long and the material will be light, same with the roof although the roof will heavier then the plasterboard. The wooden walls will have sharp splinters and fragmentations, the marble, brick, and glass textures would have many broken fragmentations and the most out of all the materials used on the building.


 i uploaded my files separately because the limit to upload was 200mb and my folders were over that so i got 2 files i didn't know what to name it or if i would lose marks for it but one of the files is named z3420230_stefan_koteski which has everything but the crysis levels and the other does

1. Crysis download -

2. 3ds max file, 5 environment images, trailer and strategy statement

Before After

Barcelona Pavilion Before

Barcelona Pavilion After



Week 05 - Notion of decay

 Barcelona Pavilion

Floor Tiles - the floor tiles will have moss coming out from the cracks aswell as some moss on the surface in the middle, but mainly the moss will come out from the cracks.

Wood - The wood will have some green moss on it, attempting to grow from random places, parts of the wood would be chipped and missing maybe from termites, rain and other environmental impacts.

Plaster walls - the plaster walls will be broken down with bricks showing. The mold would come from inside the bricks and inbetween where the bricks and plaster meet.

Glass - the glass will be blurry and brownish to show dirt, also the glass will be broken from maybe environmental impact.

Marble walls - Marble walls would have some missing pieces and moss growing on them. Pieces will be missing from environmental impact and aging.

Week 04 - Blend Layer

Week 03 - Sketch Idea

WEEK 03 - Images of deconstruction & direction


The Direction im going with, with my assignment is trying to make everything seem real as possible. The metal columns will barely be breakable and will be the heaviest material, the roof will break into big pieces, the walls will be fairly heavy aswell and break into small peices. I will have a pool with fog and the inside of my building will be foggy to give the effect of aging. My building will also have broken peices around it to give the effect of decay and age.